Sunday, 26 March 2017

#052: Which Way is NORTH & a Harrowing Reddit Tale?!

We wonder about a harrowing story on Reddit and a simple question of which way is north devolves into a classic Stupid Argument?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We regularly post to and look at r/nostupidquestions on Reddit as we are on the sidebar there.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

#051: How Thick is LIGHTNING & Do Penguins Have Knees?!

We wonder if birds can get hit by lightning, how thick and what shape is a lightning bolt, potato facts, do birds get tired walking, do penguins have knees and butterfly facts?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We regularly post to and look at r/nostupidquestions on Reddit as we are on the sidebar there.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.

Monday, 13 March 2017

#050: Headphones in MOVIE THEATRES & Grass Covering the Moon?!

We wonder how it's been 50 episodes of stupid, proud pictures of poop, @SomeAmerican asked us live on Periscope how much grass seed would cover the moon, are your pubes and nose hairs one long hair, why are there one stars on iTunes, should there be headphones in movie theatres and have you ever walked out of a movie?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We regularly post to and look at r/nostupidquestions on Reddit as we are on the sidebar there.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

#049: Cigarettes Give You CANCER & What is Fast Food?!

We wonder how many ducks there has to be to get a sign on the road, where jaywalking came from, are cigarette companies putting in the cancer themselves, where does number 31 go after they order, what is fast food and Godzilla and Superman in reverse?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We regularly post to and look at r/nostupidquestions on Reddit as we are on the sidebar there.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.