Sunday, 28 May 2017

#059: 360 Degree Human Eyes & Is Oxygen KILLING Us?!

We wonder if oxygen kills us very, very slowly (a question from our favourite listener @shannonwilson34), the Doritos Tacos at Midnight After Dark makes an unwelcome return to the conversation, what if our eyes were physically bigger than our stomach and 360 degree human eyes?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

#058: How Does Tarzan Shave and Driverless Haircuts?!

We wonder if automatic haircuts are the future, horror hairdresser stories, how does Tarzan shave his beard, we have a potato fact and we share some Reddit comments from some previous questions!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.

Sunday, 14 May 2017

#057: Aroused Whistling VAGINAS & The Power to Make Other People Fart?!

We wonder why he don't whistle when we breathe and fart, the disgusting human musical orchestra, what would it be like if vaginas whistled when aroused and would you use the power to make other people fart for good or for evil?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

#056: Richard Flakes & What Colour Food Would You Eat Forever?!

We wonder what colour food you would eat for the rest of your life, somehow this question gets NSFW and apparently takes us the whole episode to answer. Enjoy?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.