Sunday, 27 August 2017

#070: Flavoured CONDOMS For Vagina Tastebuds & Steering Wheel in the Middle?!

We wonder if flavoured condoms are made because vaginas and buttholes have tastebuds, why isn't steering wheel in the middle of the car and putting an alarm on before your supposed to wake up?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

#069: Wikihow Tells You How to WikiWHAT & Humidifier vs Dehumidifier?!

We wonder if a humidifier and a dehumidifier were in the same room in the battle to the death, if you didn't have to work would you work, we turn to Wikihow to tell us how to poop while standing up, we get a Potato Fact and an #InOtherNews?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

#068: Cutlery Instead of Fingers & MONKEY POO Coffee?!

We wonder how you check the temperature of your food, building the perfect cutlery hands, do you eat or drink soup, Alex's ridiculous work lunch and other dips into unsanitary food and monkey poo coffee?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.

Sunday, 6 August 2017

#067: Sitting on a VOODOO Doll of Yourself & We Invent the Space Straw?!

We wonder was the rest of the sunscreen steps were, we do that inexplicable thing of asking our questions all at once, if you sit on a voodoo doll of yourself can you get up, how would we sit if we didn't have butts, do countries like Japan and France have different accents within their own countries, did Adam and Eve have belly buttons, there's an #InOtherNews, taking water out of the ocean to combat global warming and Kieran nominates someone to be at the top of the Space Straw™.

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.