Sunday, 24 September 2017

#074: Dutch Oven a CAT & Microwave a Cheese Sandwich?!

We wonder what Last Call Kebab After Dark Doritos™ taste like, how Alex makes a melted cheese sandwich which leads to a segment that will definitely be reoccurring, our listener Damian (@damianjh) asks us why people in horror movies are so clumsy and we read a story from Reddit?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.

Sunday, 17 September 2017

#073: Wolverine's REFRACTORY Period & Do You Use Bed Sheets?!

We wonder how fast Wolverine's refractory period is, the hug orgasmers, what's your bed sheet situation like and Alex forgets our acronym?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.

Sunday, 10 September 2017

#072: Why are FARTS Always Funny & Pranks in an Elevator?!

We wonder about a Wikihow that tells us how to do pranks in an elevator, Alex shares the 2nd half of his Potato Fact, if you choke a Smurf what colour does it turn, why do fart jokes always work, Kieran had a social grievance and if a person with no arms wears a vest is it just a coat?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.

Sunday, 3 September 2017

#071: Learning Languages By EATING Food & Bones Growing Faster Than Skin?!

We wonder what if our bones grew faster than our skin, the tooth fairy is difficult for parents, stories of imaginary things people tell their kids, a potato fact is unveiled, Kieran amazes Pedro with his #InOtherNews, things get offensive when we wonder if languages can be learned by eating that country's food?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.