Tuesday, 29 January 2019

#121: What If FUEL Was Delivered & Will Facebook Ever Die?!

We wonder what would happen if carpet grew and you had to mow it, would it be good if there was fuel delivery, what would benefit from being delivered, what are the new cool words and will Facebook ever die?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro and Andrew.

Monday, 7 January 2019

#120: How Long Do You Keep Cards For & People Marry Inanimate Objects?!

On this very special bucks party episode of Is This a Stupid Question, we wonder how long you're supposed to keep cards for and how do people get married to inanimate objects?!

Click here to play! (mp3)

Follow us and ask us stupid questions on Twitter at @aquestionstupid or by using the hashtag #ITASQ or #IsThisAStupidQuestion.

We're on Blogger and also Stitcher.

If you have time, please give us a 5 star review so we can share this stupid podcast with more people. Also, please share this podcast with your friends and family!

Featuring Kieran, Alex, Pedro, Andrew and special guest, Brett.